Leeanne Dench

Leeanne Dench

Administration Manager

07 3802 7444

About Me

Leeanne started her real estate journey 18 years ago in New Zealand and has spent the last 12 years servicing the Logan West community.

She has covered multiple roles throughout her real estate career and prides herself on quality service, her attention to detail, and being part of a professional team.

“I love helping out the agency! I’ve been part of this wonderful team for a long time now, so I’ve had a lot of opportunity to develop processes that make a direct impact on the agency’s success.”


Leeanne prides herself on her attention to detail and high-quality work.

My Office

Stone Logan West

48 Brown Plains Road, Browns Plains, QLD, 4118

My Team

Amber Gunn 

Operations Manager 

07 3802 7444 

Bridgette Griffiths 

Sales Professional 

0430 445 750 

Brittany Bennett 

Property Manager 

0416 538 539 

Claire Franklin 

Sales Professional 

0430 438 889 

Darren Gunn 

Managing Director 

0413 167 092 

Fiona Frost 

Property Manager 

07 3802 7444 

Kelly Crosby 

Head of PM Department 

0430 357 303 

Leanne Gunn 


0413 817 092